At first you thought they have sniffles or flu. But they were not wiping their noses but sniffing addictive rugby substance from bottles behind those shirts. These boys also inhale gasoline from motorcycle tanks or even glue. The effects are fatal and I don't have to put the details since anybody can search and surf more info about it.
These boys are hanging out in the open at the Bonifacio Park in Divisoria Cagayan de Oro City and people don't seem to bother. But if they or we do, it will be useless. They'll just run and make faces at you. Not even the policemen and traffic aides can deter these kids.
Solution? This is not for the long run but it can help. Each time you see boys sniffing and inhaling these substance, buy those bottles with food if not with money. The bad thing about doing this tho is they might do this more often to get money or food .. but I guess that's better than letting them damage themselves. Anyway, they never started sniffing those stuff only if they are full.
Idle minds and empty stomach are two of the causes of anything evil doing.
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